Our Customer ——Schneider Electric SA
  • 2019-05-29 14:05:38
Our Customer ——Schneider Electric SA

Schneider Electric SA is a global electrical company headquartered in France and an expert in the field of global energy efficiency management and automation. The group's sales in fiscal year 2016 were 25 billion euros and it has more than 160,000 employees in more than 100 countries around the world. [1] Founded by the Schneider brothers in 1836. Its headquarters are located in Rueil, France.

The purpose of Schneider Electric is to empower everyone to maximize the use of energy and resources, and to promote human progress and sustainable common development. Also known as Life Is On.

Schneider Electric’s mission is to become a digital partner for users to achieve efficient and sustainable development.

Schneider Electric is committed to promoting digital transformation and serving the home, building, data center, infrastructure and industrial markets. Through the integration of the world's leading technology and energy management technology, interconnected products, controls, software and services from the terminal to the cloud, throughout the business life cycle, to achieve integrated enterprise-level management.

Schneider Electric is a global company with localization advantages, committed to promoting an open technology and partner ecosystem, and actively practicing the common values of meaning, tolerance and empowerment.


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