our customers
  • 2019-05-29 14:05:38
our customers

The full name of the German ZF company is ZF Friedrichshafen AG (ZF Friedrichshafen AG), and the German ZF (ZF) Group, referred to as ZF, is one of the most important professional manufacturers of transmission system products in the world today.

In 1908, in line with the spirit of invention, rich ideas, and the decision to create a new field, Count Ferdinand von Zeppel founded Luftschiffbau Zeppelin GmbH on Lake Constance. ), its core will be the technology center of Friedrichshafen. Today, ZF Friedrichshafen AG has grown from Zeppelin’s infancy to the largest company.

In addition to mechanical transmissions, hydraulic automatic transmissions and various gearboxes, its main products include steering gears, drive axles, pumps, suspension systems and electromagnetic clutches, which are widely used in automobiles, tanks, special vehicles, aircraft, and ships. Boats, construction machinery, agricultural machinery...

ZF Friedrichshafen is one of the world market leaders and the world champion in market segments.

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