Tin Plating Introduce
  • 2021-05-27 17:31:36

Tin plating and its alloy is a kind of coating with good solderability and certain corrosion resistance, which is widely used in electronic components and printed circuit boards. In addition to physical methods such as hot dipping and spraying, methods of electroplating, immersion plating and electroless plating have been widely used in industry due to their simplicity and ease in preparing the tin layer.

Tin coating has been widely used in the electronics industry as a protective and solderable coating for electronic components, wires, printed circuit boards and integrated circuit blocks due to its excellent corrosion resistance and solderability.

Electroplating tin has a wide range of applications. Tin has the advantages of corrosion resistance, discoloration resistance, non-toxicity, easy brazing, softness, low melting point and good ductility. Through a special pre-treatment process, it forms a firm, bright, and bright bond on the surface of the composite material. Dense, uniform and continuous alloy coating.

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